When we got the brochures for the Hurricane I was immediately taken back by how many floor plans they had. 10 floor plans is a lot for an RV company, but motorized when you have to deal with chassis sizes it becomes more complicated. The Hurricane offers floor plans of 30' to 35', which is a good range in size. They even have bunk house model (34B), that is a rarity in motor homes, not with the Hurricane. At Tiara RV Sales we are pretty proud of our reputation for being toy hauler specialists. Well Hurricane has a toy hauler (34Y). It has two slides, good storage, bunk bed in the garage and it is priced right. So choices, Four Winds gives you lots of choices with Hurricane. Who doesn't like choice? They have three different wood colors too. More choice. There is an extremely usable options called Mega Storage that they offer in three different layouts. It is a massive storage compartment in the back, it's tall and is a pass through compartment as wide as the Hurricane. You can put all kinds of stuff in there. Fifth wheels don't offer this much storage.
There is a lot of eye appeal to the Hurricanes. The fiberglass front and back caps have good, smooth lines that look good with the paint packages. For a lot of people the looks are the important part, and I don't blame them, when your spending this kind of money you want it to look sharp. Four Winds puts some real gut features into play on their motor homes that really separate themselves from the pack. The frame rails on the chassis that hold the actual camper box are fully extended, most manufacturers have an overhang. The TV over the dash is secured with a steal frame and bolted in, in case you survive an accident the TV won't knock you out. They use an inter-locking roof system that all their roof components are joined together, almost like puzzle pieces. Those are the guts, you might never see any of those features. But you will see the day/night shades instead of just a single blind. How about a pull out battery tray? Have you ever tried to unload a couple 12V batteries, it isn't always easy. A simple slide out battery tray will fix that. The drawer guides are steal with ball bearings and fully extended so it is easy to get to the back of them. There are soft touch ceilings, which are traditionally used in only the highest end RVs.
The Four Winds Hurricane is a good motor home, built by a reputable company. They offer a lot of value for your money, who doesn't like that?